Wide and Slim Portable Flat Panel Detector for Digital Radiography
Key Features:
Stable and reliable AED
Wireless data transmission
High image quality
Convenient usability
Usable Applications:
General Radiography
The innovative ViVIX-S 14x17NW offers the world's first wireless cassette-sized DR detector that is easy to insert into your table or wall stand Bucky unit, or can be used as a conventional cassette for tabletop projections. After exposure, the digital images are transferred wirelessly in seconds from the 17 x 17 in large detector panel to the acquisition console running the user friendly VXvue Acquisition, where they are automatically processed and displayed for further diagnostic purposes. The images can then be sent from the console to a film printer, PACS - archive, diagnostic workstations or other target devices in the practice network.
The ViVIX-S 17x17NW boasts a Wide active area of 17" x 17" with a high High spatial resolution with 140㎛
Csl:TI/Gadolinium Oxysulfide
3072 x 3072 Pixels (9.4 Mega-Pixel)
16bit A/D Conversion
65,536 Step Grayscale
40-150kVp Voltage Range
WLAN 802.11a-b-g-n-ac (2.4GHwz & 5GHz) Wireless - Dual Bandwidth/Antenna
DICOM 3.0 Standard & Windows Compatible
18.1" x 18.1" x 0.6"
9.9lbs (GOS)/10.1lbs (CsI)
High-Capacity Lithium Ion Batteries
Internal Storage of 100 Images
Fast 3 Second Capture & Transmit